The 2019 Sydney Local Planning Committee warmly thanks all delegates, sponsors and guests for coming to the 38th IALL Annual Course. It was a wonderful and rewarding experience for us, and we hope you all enjoyed yourselves and have taken some fond memories home with you. We pass the baton to Toulouse and wish their LPC the very best of luck in planning and executing the 2020 conference!

(from left) Robin Gardner, James Butler, Vanessa Blackmore, Deb Bennett, Larissa Reid. Board Liaison: Kurt Carroll

Back row (from left): François Desseilles, Michel Fraysse, Mark Engsberg (ex officio), Kurt Carroll, David Gee, Jeroen Vervliet
Front row (from left): Kerem Kahvecioğlu, Barbara Garavaglia, Kristina Alayan, Heather Casey, Rebecca Bergstrøm, Trung Quach