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Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Rechtswissenschaft und Fachreferat

When: September 30, 2004 all-day
Where: Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur juristisches Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationswesen (AjBD) und der Kommission fur Fachreferatsarbeit des VDB (Verein Deutscher Bibliothekare e.V.), Potsdam, Germany

[Fortbildungsveranstaltung fur Fachreferenten der Rechtswissenschaft]

Training Course for Legal Information Specialists

When: October 1, 2004 all-day
Where: Asser College Europe, T.M.C. Asser Instituut, The Hague, The Netherlands

[The three weeks course aims at improving the skills of librarians and documentalists in using interna­tional legal materials. The course is focussed on those candidates who are presently employed by an European Documentation Centre or an European Information Office. The…

Fall Meeting 2004: The Americas Conference: The Next Ten Years

When: October 13, 2004 all-day
Where: Section of International Law and Practice (SILP), American Bar Association (ABA), Houston, Texas

[in cooperation with the bar associations of Canada, Mexico, and Central and South America; conference will review the future of economic, trade, political, and legal integration in the Americas and beyond]