The 33rd annual course in law and law librarianship in Buenos Aires has come to a close. I want to take this opportunity to thank all attendees for making it such a memorable and successful conference. We all owe our deepest thanks to the local organizing committee: Gloria Orrego Hoyos, Mariana Del Carril, Andrea Saladino and Analía Trouvé, for all their hard work. I would also like to show appreciation for our sponsors who are all long standing supporters of IALL, Wolters Kluwer International, Hein and Thomson Reuters. Without their support, IALL would not be able to offer such memorable events as part of our annual courses.
The conference speakers touched on Argentinas troubled past with oppression and censorship, the development of constitutional rights and the impact of foreign and international law in Argentina.
I was happy to see that this year’s conference had a high number of first time attendees. The interest in our annual courses among new colleagues is very positive for the association. I hope they felt welcome and want to attend future conferences and get involved with IALL in other ways.
The 34th IALL annual course will take place in Berlin from 20th to 24th September 2015. It promises an exciting program in a vibrant and historical city. I hope to see you all there.
Jeroen Vervliet
IALL President