The election of officers and general Board members is governed by Article VII of the IALL Constitution. Every three years, the entire Board is elected, consisting of:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Seven General Board Members

Only Regular members (not Student, Retired, Life, or Honorary members) can be elected to the Board. Board members can serve no more than two successive terms in the same position.

Nomination Process

In an election year, the Secretary will notify Regular members that they can nominate themselves for a position on the Board. The self-nomination period will be open for at least thirty days, and nominations should be submitted to the Nominating Committee.

The Nominating Committee consists of three IALL members (regardless of membership type) who are not current Board members. Their role is to ensure there are enough qualified candidates and to promote diversity among the candidates.

Candidate Review

Once the Nominating Committee receives a self-nomination, they will review the candidate’s eligibility and ability to serve on the Board. Eligible candidates will be included on the ballot.

After the self-nomination period closes, the Nominating Committee will review the number and diversity of candidates for each position. If necessary, they can poll Regular members to stand as candidates. Those who agree will also be included on the ballot.

Election Process

The Nominating Committee will send the slate of candidates to the Secretary at least one month prior to  the election. The Secretary will set up the election using current technology and notify all members about the upcoming election. Members will receive the list of candidates at least fourteen days before the election.

After the election, the Secretary will announce the results. Elected Board members will begin their three-year term at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting that year. If no meeting is held, terms will start on October 1.

Ex Officio Members

There are two ex officio members of the Board: the Editor of the International Journal of Legal Information and the Immediate Past President. These members carry out all Board duties but do not have voting rights. The outgoing President will serve as Immediate Past President for one year to assist with the transition.