Author Archive for Michael Lindsey

FCIL Schaffer Grant Winner

Congratulations to Mr. Bård Sverre Tuseth, 2013 recipient of the FCIL Schaffer Grant for Foreign Law Librarians, American Association of Law Libraries (AALL). Mr. Bård Sverre Tuseth is an Academic Law Librarian at the University of Oslo Library in Norway,…

Librarians as Extremists and Judges as Bibliographers

On July 25, 2002 a federal act № 11-FZ “On counteracting extremist activity” (Федеральный закон № 114-ФЗ «О противодействии экстремистской деятельности») entered into force in Russia. Art. 13 of this act prohibits the dissemination of extremist materials and their storage…


I wanted to write about a resource that librarians may not often consider: web logs, known by most people as simply blogs.  Blogs, like the one in which this post appears, can contain a wealth of information not found elsewhere. …

IALL 2012 Website Award Winner

The IALL 2012 Website Award Winner is JURICAF The 2012 winner was announced at the IALL 31st Annual Course on International Law Librarianship in Toronto (Canada), 2 October 2012. “JURICAF is an excellent example of true multinational and cross-institutional collaboration…

December 2008 – New Board Members

In December 2008, Second Vice-President Halvor Kongshavn and Board Member Amanda Barratt stepped down from the Board because of successful career moves. The Board congratulates them and thanks them for their service to the Association. The Board has appointed two new members to…